Handling A Flood

Handling a Flood Before It Happens

When a flood warning or watch occurs, make sure you and your family are properly prepared.

  • Turn your radio/TV to your local news or National Weather Forecast to receive weather updates and emergency instructions

    Be aware of your surroundings should you need to get to higher ground

    Prepare an emergency kit or restock the one you have. Include batteries, flashlights, cash, and a first aid kit.

    Bring outdoor furniture indoors and any important furniture to the highest floor to avoid flood damage

    Disconnect any electrical appliances. Warning: do not touch electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water as this could result in electrocution.

    Turn off the gas and electricity at the main valve or switch. This will prevent fires and explosions.

  • Avoid Additional Risks: The Federal Emergency Management Agency warns that you should check for any visible structural damage, such as warping, loosened or cracked foundation elements, cracks, and holes before entering the home and contact utility companies if you suspect damage to water, gas, electric, and sewer lines.

    Take Pictures: Before you remove any water or make any repairs, fully document the damage for your insurer by taking photos or video.

    Protect Your Health: Even if the water in your home is clear, it could be contaminated by sewage or household chemicals. Wear waders, hip- or waist-high waterproof boots, and rubber gloves to remove water-damaged possessions and to avoid contaminants. Throw out any food that may have come into contact with flood waters. FEMA recommends boiling water until authorities declare the water supply is safe.

    Call Your Insurance Company: Notify your insurer as soon as possible after the flood. In cases where a flood has affected a region or community, your agent may be busy handling his or her own flood issues. In that case, contact the insurance company’s headquarters.

    Find Out if You’re in a Disaster Area: Once a region has been officially declared a “disaster area” by government authorities, property owners have access to increased resources, public services, and access to financial assistance in some cases. Your insurance company will have additional information on this or you can contact FEMA directly.

    Remove Water: Once you get the OK from your insurer to remove the water, use a sump pump, available from most hardware or home supply stores, and wet vac. Water is heavy, so be careful not to injure yourself, especially if you’re carrying buckets of water up and down stairs.

    Mitigate Mold Damage: Mold can develop within 24 to 48 hours of a flood, so remove wet contents, including carpeting and bedding, as soon as possible. If an item has been wet for less than 48 hours, it may be salvageable.

  • Mold infestations can occur for a number of reasons, such as pipe leaks, rainwater, and contaminated water. When an area is often or always damp it can be a breeding ground for mold. One example is the bathroom. If you are experiencing mold growth in the bathroom, increase the ventilation by opening a window or turning on a fan. Clean any hard services with detergent and water to prevent mold from reappearing or keep it to a minimum. Porous and absorbent materials, such as carpet or ceiling tiles, may need to be thrown out if they become moldy. This material is very hard to clean as mold can fill in the crevices making it difficult or impossible to permanently remove.

    Fix the plumbing and other water problems if mold is being caused by leaky pipes. Make sure to dry all items and areas that have been exposed to moisture to avoid mold from forming. If you are painting a moldy area in your home, do not paint over moldy surfaces as this can cause the paint to peel and mold to spread.

Randy Herbertson

The Visual Brand (TVB) is a Metro New York based brand innovation studio, the second generation of a successful NYC based studio founded by branding veteran Randy Herbertson. TVB works with leading and emerging local, national and international brands and companies in well-established practice areas including insight development and brand and messaging foundation, and full service design from packaging, motion design, industrial and environmental design to print, video/tv and digital. Grown in the digital era, TVB leverages and builds on leading edge technology across its practice areas. TVB has a multinational presence and native bi-lingual capabilities with a close partnership in Latin America.


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