Programmable & Non-Programmable Digital Thermostats

The only way to control your heating and cooling systems properly – and to protect against unnecessary equipment wear and energy costs – is by using a thermostat. For great prices, sales, repair, installations, and service, call Robison at (914) 345-5700 today.

A programmable thermostat helps you achieve the very best in comfort, efficiency, and convenience. You simply program the desired indoor temperatures and times of day you want those temperatures, and you are done with your thermostat until the seasons change. You can target variables in temperature needs for automatic adjustments, such as when everyone is out of the home or sleeping.

Non-Programmable Thermostats

A non-programmable digital thermostat works essentially like an old-fashioned manual thermostat, but with more accuracy. Some also come with more modern features such as outdoor temperature displays and filter-change reminders.

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